
~The Not So Fancy Family Pictures~

I posted a picture of my 3 kiddos on Facebook a couple weeks ago and laughed because getting a decent picture these days is far from easy....as you can see from these few we tried to take at Claira's 4th birthday party.....

Grant and I didn't even make it into the first few because Grant wasn't home from work yet and we were running out of time...so, I asked my wonderful mother-in law to take a few......

(Claira, Lighting, Will holding a golf ball, Charlotte looks startled and I could have used some lipstick)
Grant made it home and ran upstairs to shower and get ready for the party....I yelled  up the stairs (sweetly, of course), "Hurry up, I want to take a family picture...."

"Come on Honey, forget you had a bad day and smile...and, did you have to wear those tennis shoes?"
(I am not even going to mention that our clothes CLASH horribly!)

End of story...we never got a decent picture.

Moral of the story is take the pictures, even if your outfits don't match, the kids are cranky,  and the lighting is bad....the memories are precious. So, sisters....I will be looking for some family pictures, soooooon!!



  1. haha:) that is funny...they are still cute!

  2. Totally relate. It doesn't seem right to yell at my kids to "SMILE" so I can get a good picture. But, it still happens. : )



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