
Mac turned 4

Mac is 4. Time is flying by with the kiddo's. Mac is the funny one in our house. He is always making weird noises and talking in different voices. He can take a beating from his big brother and give a beating when he wants to. He's also the most loving out of all the kids. Someone (who shall remain nameless) threw our camera into the mop bucket. That was a sad day especially when we realized how many pictures we lost. Pictures of his actual birthday were lost. Here's a couple recently of our Mac.
Mac and Jax last week. Our boys always have a stick in their hand.

Celebrating fall Alaskan style. Attempting to make a snowman.

At my sister's wedding. They don't really like to officially "pose" for pictures.



  1. I can't believe Mac is already four! Time flies by so fast. Looks like he's just getting more handsome as he grows!

  2. they could not be any cuter!! The one at Jenny's wedding just cracks me up every time I see it:) Can't believe how big they are!!



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